A Legend is Gone: RWD (1926-2015)

Sadly, our good friend and colleague Robert W. Dickerman (RWD) passed away recently. Bob was active with our group for many years during the summers, and the Bird collection has over 1,500 specimens that he was associated with either as collector or preparator. Bob was one of the most dedicated collections professionals and specimen-based researchers the world has seen. Andy Johnson wrote an excellent summary in 2012 of some of Bob’s career. Among Bob’s professional accomplishments included over 230 publications and at least 59 subspecies of birds described. Highly active well into his 80s, Bob may be gone, but he and his accomplishments will be long remembered by us and by many other ornithologists.

Bob Dickerman in the field in Tabasco, Mexico, 1955 (R. W. Dickerman)

Bob Dickerman in the field in Tabasco, Mexico, 1955 (R. W. Dickerman)

Bob Dickerman in the field in Nome, Alaska

Bob Dickerman in the field in Nome, Alaska, 1998 (K. Winker)


Bob Dickerman, Brina Kessel, and Dan Gibson, 2005 (K. Winker)

Bob Dickerman, Brina Kessel, and Dan Gibson, 2005 (K. Winker)